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About me

Hi, I'm Judy Nelson Postpartum Fat loss Coach that has a passion of helping busy women in their 30s feel good, gain confidence and lose the weight for good!  

I have been blessed with two children that I birthed naturally. But once I was home I quickly then found myself feeling completely hopeless whenever looking into the mirror postpartum. I was overwhelmed by the process of taking care of a new baby while trying to feel like myself again. Once I got back to the basics of training consistently, working on my mindset, eating foods the nourished my body while breastfeeding, and was back to my pre baby weight in 3 months. I started to feel confident again once I saw my reflection in the mirror. I really felt like I could do this MOM thing! 

My Methods

Are simple and effective to give you the body you have always dreamed of. 

My method starts with having a plan to follow so all you have todo is execute to get results!  

Simple way to a flat tummy after birth. 

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